Protect the Life in Your Garden
Renowned artist Michael Schwab has created a stunning new graphic to help WildCare remind people everywhere to Respect the Nest!

It’s springtime in the Bay Area, and even as you read this sentence, birds, squirrels and other animals are preparing nests for their newborn and newly‐hatched babies in your trees, shrubs and hedges. WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital admits hundreds of injured and orphaned baby animals every spring and summer, many of them victims of tree‐trimming and pruning accidents. Nests are camouflaged intentionally, and this means baby animals too often become the victims of chainsaws and clippers.
Renowned artist Michael Schwab has created a stunning new graphic to help WildCare remind people everywhere to Respect the Nest!
From his studio in Marin County, Michael Schwab has established a national reputation as one of America's leading graphic artists. He has created national award‐winning logos and posters for a remarkable list of prestigious clients, including Apple, Amtrak, the Golden Gate National Parks, Major League Baseball, Robert Mondavi, Muhammad Ali, Nike, Pebble Beach, Polo Ralph Lauren, Robert Redford, San Francisco Opera, Sundance, Sunset Books, Wells Fargo, and now WildCare!
Mr. Schwab’s art is immediately recognizable, bringing together striking combinations of black and color to create unforgettable and iconic images. WildCare introduce Mr. Schwab’s beautiful and impactful art for their Respect the Nest Campaign this spring!
To learn more about protecting the wildlife nesting in your garden this spring g checkout WildCare’s recent Protect the Nest webinar.
Post Courtesy of WildCare
Art Graphic: Michael Schwab
See how we celebrate spring in our premiere issue of our new online magazine!